Two days in a row! Looks like I'm doing well!
I can't believe I forgot to include probably the biggest thing that's happened in my life in the past week. I've told some of my friends about this but there are a few updates. My grandma was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer a few years ago called Mastacytosis. It affects about 6 people in America and is sort of like Leukemia. She went into remission about 2 1/2 years ago and has been doing very well. After Christmas, however, she started getting sick again. Long story short, she ended up at Seton for a blood and platelet transfusion and found out that her cancer turned into Acute Leukemia. She started up on a different kind of chemo than what she was on and is still in the hospital now (she was admitted last Wednesday.) She has had a lot of visitors and has been in good spirits for the most part. Her chemo isn't making her sick but her low immune system is. We were told yesterday that she probably has about 6 months...I took that with a grain of salt because my grandpa was told that many times and kept going for many years! I will definitely try to make the most of my time with her and not take her for granted like I have so often in the past, but I will not let her use that "sentence" as a reason to give up.
We're working on getting her an account set up for the directed donor program. Luckily January is like National Blood Donor month or something so there are lots of blood drives! Hopefully it will work out for all of our friends to donate directly to her.
My mom is really going to need some prayers through all of this as well. My grandma lives next door to us so Mom usually ends up taking care of her. Of course my mom does this because she loves her, but it definitely takes a toll on her. Mom is an empty nester who is used to only worrying about herself and my dad now so this is kind of like handing her a new child to take care of. I hope none of that sounds callous! It's just that things like this tend to have a chain reaction.
All of that being said, I trust that God has a great plan for my grandma and for all of us. His plan for me right now is to finish up this post and review my lesson on prepositions that I will teach the kiddos tomorrow! It will probably involve me standing UNDER a chair, ON a chair, IN a chair, etc, etc. Can't wait!!! :)
I'll keep your grandma in my prayers. Hope you had fun playing with the chair today. :)